5 days ago1 minCall for PapersReligion Book Editors and AI: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches - CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTER CONTRIBUTIONSWe are inviting book chapter proposals for the edited collection entitled Religion Book Editors and AI: Theoretical and empirical...
Dec 14, 20231 minProjectsMERGE- Media, religion, and gender. NEW PROJECT launched December 1, 2023On the 1st of December, Giulia Evolvi, NMRDC assistant director and board member, launched the project MERGE- Media, religion, and...
Aug 11, 20231 minProjectsSURVEY: Social Justice and Ethical Research in the Digital HumanitiesDARIAH EU is conducting a survey on Social Justice and Ethical Research in the Digital Humanities to learn about your digital scholarship...
Aug 11, 20231 minScholarsCALL FOR PROPOSALS: Communication Perspectives on Popular Culture Book SeriesThe Communication Perspectives on Popular Culture book series is accepting proposals for research that explores popular culture through a...